Martien's Leaded Glass

Butterfly Januari 2016

Leaded glass panel. This results from a course that Martien
attended in January 2016. Of course he couldn't make just a normal
butterfly. It's framed in a selfmade pinewood frame. That was to
try out the newly-bought router. Here, it's suspended from a
spring-loaded rod, made for 'light lace curtains'. Probably slightly
over-engineered, it's easily carrying 2 kg.

Gannet June 2016

The first project done at home. After a photograph of a gannet
over the sea with a lot of detail left out.
Luckily the blue glass pretends to be sea, while the white glass
pretends to have feathers.

Skater Maart 2017

To dress the new German kitchen. De blues correspond to a few
decorative little vases we already had. The design is after a
sketch of Theo van Doesburg, de founder of de Stijl,
the group that Mondriaan later joined. If you know, you can make
out a skater.

Plant screen Augustus 2017

A practical design by Alice this time. Orchids not agreeing with
direct light on their leaves, yet located in a window sill facing due south
would like a bit of shading. Again, a strict rectangular design
in the Dutch style. Progress has been slow because we couldn't find
the time to order the last bits of glass, but it was finished after

Graphene September 2017

This was a present to Tobias, who graduated to Master of Science.
It is an impression of the image on the front of his thesis, depicting
a piece of graphene as seen by "his" special electron microscope.

Lamp Februari 2018

Four panels destined to become a hanging lamp. After a Jugendstil panel
from a little cabinet's door.

Orchid October 2018

Quick little project as birthday present for a flower lover. Worth
mentioning is the fact that is was put together without clamping it
first. Adventure!

Landscape October 2018

A commission from a friend of ours. Flooded by sunlight, but a dark cloud
in the background. A friendly landscape from a dear memory.
A church as central element.

Magpie July 2020

A free standing bird. Headstrong too, like the little groups of magpies
owning the fields around here. Cherishing their freedom, which became
clear during final assembly where this specimen tried everything to
escape the clamping nails. He won't fly away now, with all the lead
weighing him down and the bracket anchoring him to the block of wood.

Knot March 2021

For my sister, who spontaneously knitted some nice woollen socks for me.
"Something abstract with bright colours". I knew she likes Celtic motives.
The design was optimized to have as many near right-angled connections
as possible. Yes, I am lazy.
The colours are quite dark, the image doesn't capture them that well.
It's in a window on the North, it needs a bit more sun.